Societé des chercheurs/chercheuses et des enseignants/enseignantes des arts
The ARTS preconference planning committee has put together a short survey for current and future members to gain a sense of the support you are looking for during the 2023/2024 academic year. It should take about 10 minutes of your time. We invite you to complete the survey by using the link below by Thursday, May 25th, 2023 :
We appreciate your time and feedback!
In Memorium of Bernard W Andrews
It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Professor Bernard (Bernie) Andrews on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at the age of 73. Bernie was a visionary leader and trailblazer in arts education and arts research. He was a founding member of ARTS SIG and has served as Acting President and President from 1998 – 2002.
Bernie Andrews was Professor of Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa, where he taught music certification and graduate courses in the arts and creativity. He has received four Social Science and Humanities Research Council grants for the study of the generative processes of music composition. His projects, in collaboration with Canadian Music Centre staff and composers, have resulted in the composition of a large number of new works for young musicians in schools and private instruction. Dr. Andrews was the principal investigator for the SSHRC-funded Genesis Project: An investigation of contemporary music composition that involves commissioning composers-in-residence of Canada’s major orchestras. His most recent books are Perspectives on arts education research in Canada, Vol. I: Surveying the landscape. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill/Sense (2019) and Perspectives on arts education research Canada, Vol. II: Issues and directions (2020). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Bernie was known for his generosity and kindness. We had the honour of working alongside Bernie in 2022-2023 as he volunteered to serve on our ARTS SIG Executive as Past-President and Co-Chair for our new established awards: Emerging Researcher Award & Lifetime Achievement Award.
Please join us at our ARTS SIG AGM in Montreal at CSSE 2024 to honour Bernie’s memory. Bernie was a pillar in the Arts Researchers and Teachers Society and the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies and he will be dearly missed.

>> or please complete the Call for Reviewers Form
March 2021
Preconference—ARTS for Social Justice
A Day of Artful Experiential Workshops and Presentations
Congress 2021 Virtual Pre-conference: Saturday, May 29, 9:15 a.m.–2:30 p.m. MDT (12:15–5:30 p.m. ADT)
Please see Preconference Day Summary here
March 2021
CSSE: Funding for Students
Each year the Federation organizes the Congress Graduate Merit Awards (CGMAs) to recognize graduate student scholarship at the annual Congress gathering. This year, CSSE has been allocated six (6) CGMAs valued at $500 each to distribute to graduate students who will be attending and presenting at CSSE 2021. As a criteria of “merit,” the CSSE Board of Directors has decided that CSSE’s CGMAs will be distributed to nominees and winners of CSSE’s various association and special interest group (SIG) graduate student awards. Nominees/winners are asked to complete this short survey, which will be used to draw the 6 CGMA recipients at random. This process is intended to recognize the work already done in the prior nomination process, and limit the amount of application/adjudication work necessary, which the Board recognizes can be quite time consuming.
CSSE’s 6 CGMAs will be allocated to the following groups, which are not mutually exclusive:
2 anglophone students
2 francophone students
2 Indigenous students
2 international students
Eligible Graduate Students must complete this survey by Wednesday, March 31. CSSE will select the 6 recipients from the pool of students who complete the survey. Selected students will be notified along with their SIG by Friday, April 2. The Federation will contact the selected 6 students about the payment of their awards. Payments will only be made to endorsed graduate recipients who register for and attend Congress. Payments will be issued in Summer 2021.
If you have questions about this opportunity, please contact Michael Holden, CSSE Conference Manager, at
Pour les besoins du présent document, il est entendu que le masculin comprend le féminin.
Chaque année, la Fédération des sciences humaines organise le Prix du mérite des cycles supérieurs du Congrès (PMCSC) en vue de saluer, lors du Congrès des sciences humaines, les recherches effectuées par des étudiants aux cycles supérieurs. Cette année, la SCÉÉ s'est vu attribuer six PMCSC d'une valeur de 500 $ chacun à distribuer aux étudiants aux cycles supérieurs qui assisteront au congrès de 2021 de la SCÉÉ et qui y feront un exposé. Pour ce qui est du critère du « mérite », le conseil d'administration de la SCÉÉ a décidé que les PMCSC de la SCÉÉ iront aux finalistes et aux lauréats des associations et groupes d'intérêt spéciaux (GIS) de la SCÉÉ qui décernent des prix aux étudiants aux cycles supérieurs. Les finalistes ou lauréats sont priés de remplir ce bref questionnaire, qui sera utilisé pour tirer au sort les six lauréats des PMCSC. Cette façon de faire vise à tenir compte du travail déjà effectué lors du processus de mise en candidature et à limiter les efforts liés au choix des lauréats qui, le reconnaît le conseil d’administration, peut prendre beaucoup de temps.
Les six PMCSC de la SCÉÉ seront répartis entre les groupes suivants, qui ne s’excluent pas mutuellement :
deux étudiants anglophones;
deux étudiants francophones;
deux étudiants autochtones;
deux étudiants étrangers.
Les étudiants aux cycles supérieurs admissibles doivent remplir le questionnaire d’ici le mercredi 31 mars. La SCÉÉ choisira les six récipiendaires parmi les étudiants qui auront répondu au questionnaire. Les étudiants sélectionnés seront avisés tout comme leur association ou leur GIS d’ici le vendredi 2 avril. La Fédération communiquera avec les six étudiants sélectionnés afin de leur indiquer le mode de paiement de leurs bourses. Les paiements ne seront effectués qu'aux récipiendaires qui sont des étudiants aux cycles supérieurs, qui sont dûment avalisés, qui se sont inscrits au Congrès et qui y participent. Les versements seront effectués au cours de l'été 2021.
Veuillez noter que vos réponses demeureront confidentielles. Si vous être choisi comme l’un des récipiendaires du PMCSC, la SCÉÉ communiquera vos réponses aux questions 1 à 8 à la Fédération pour qu’elle puisse s’occuper de la gestion du prix.
Si vous avez des questions au sujet de ces prix, veuillez communiquer avec Michael Holden, gestionnaire du congrès de la SCÉÉ, à
June 2020
2019 award winners announced
Congratulations to this years’s award winners: Alexandra Fidyk, associate professor in Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta; Kevin Hobbs (Brock University, 2019, MA in Social Justice and Equity); and Anna Romanovska (OISE, 2019, PhD in Leadership, Higher, and Adult Education).
June 2020
Call for nominations
ONE opening for ARTS SIG Executive: Vice President and Conference Chair
TWO openings for Members at Large: Graduate Student Representatives
The ARTS SIG is urgently seeking nominations for three positions. Nominations can come from our members (please speak to the individual you would like to nominate first), and we also welcome self-nominations.
Please share this call with your networks, and speak to students and colleagues who may be interested in being involved.
All positions are two year terms, from Spring 2020 to Spring 2022.
Vice President position transitions into the position of President. This system has worked very well, as it ensures that the president has ample opportunity to familiarize themselves with the structure and constitution of the ARTS SIG.
It is possible for two members to hold the title of co-vice presidents, which has been quite successful,
Please share this call widely, and send your nominations to: CC:, including your: name, affiliation, and the position of interest.
The ARTS SIG executive committee is well organized and hold approximately 4 online meetings per year. It is a great way to support to our creative community producing work at the nexus of Arts, Research, and Teaching.
To learn more about the ARTS SIG, please visit:
The AGM will be held on June 5th at 9AM on Zoom. The Zoom link will be send out via the ARTS SIG listserv (sign up via, and on our Facebook group.
May 2018
Juried Art Space
The ARTS SIG executive is pleased to introduce a juried space for artworks on our website. In this pilot initiative, a call will go out annually and the space will be renewed each year following a visual presentation and announcement at the ARTS AGM of the year’s winning submissions. We hope to provide a space to celebrate engaging work in the field while enriching the visual offering of the website as a communal space.​